Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tagged Ubiquitin Check

I finally got the results to check for the tagged ubiquitin and, of course, things aren’t that clear. Both my new cells and my old cells showed some tagged ubiquitin with the new cells showing slightly more. This is a slight problem because I was hoping that my old cells would not have shown any tagged ubiquitin, which would have definitely give me the answer as to why my experiment hasn’t been working. The fact that tagged ubiquitin was expressed in the old cells worries me a little because it could mean that there’s still something wrong with my ChAP procedure.

The problem with this check though is that I have no control. The main problem is that I don’t know how much of the tagged ubiquitin I should see. I could be getting a lot of tagged ubiquitin or not enough. The only thing that I know is that it’s there in some amount. It’s frustrating because the tagged ubiquitin is the most crucial part of the experiment but it’s hard to tell if it’s right or not.

My plan for the next week or so is to do another mock ChAP. I’m hoping that the change of cells makes the ChAP work this time. If not, I’m not sure what I’ll do.

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