Wednesday, August 20, 2014

More ChAP Results

Once again, I didn't get the results I wanted. The ChAP worked again but I did see the effect I should have. I don't really understand why because the ChAP is working fine and I've checked the depletion with a western blot so I'm not sure what's going on. It could be that I'm not getting enough depletion. It's possible that there's still enough protein in the cells in order to accomplish the cell's function normally. This is probably the most likely scenario so I think I'll try to fix that first. I can essentially do two rounds of depletion. It's the same technique and procedure, I'm just doing it twice. So it'll take a couple days longer, which makes a long experiment even longer but that's what I'll have to do. Hopefully this will get rid of almost all of the protein in a cell and I'll see the results I'm supposed to.

Friday, August 1, 2014

ChAP with New Cells

I finally have something that I think works well – my latest ChAP finally works well enough to get data from. I still have a few concerns about it but it’s good enough now that I can move on to doing the actual experiment I was supposed to do, which is a ChAP with gene depletion. I’m hopeful that when I do the gene depletion the ChAP still works. Gene depletion shouldn’t affect the ChAP process but I’m a little worried that my latest results were just a fluke and that I haven’t actually solved any of the problems I’ve been having. I’m not super positive about it because a lot of things have gone wrong this summer with the ChAP experiments. 

It’ll take me a while to get these results since I’ll be going on vacation for a week and half. But hopefully everything will work when I get back.